Good morning everyone and here we are again with a traditional recipe: cavatelli!
Cavatelli have always been my favorites, since I was a child: if mom asked me what I wanted for lunch on Sunday, I always replied "cavatelli with sausage sauce and cutlets". My passions.
One day I will also show you the special cutlets of Concettina, but today we stay on this mouth-watering first!
Unfortunately I did not have the "sausage in lard" lovingly prepared by my parents because the quarantine no longer allowed me to go home to pick it up, but I solved it with a "sciué sciué" sauce that Mom uses on equal terms to make cavatelli.
I swear to you, I made them the night before to eat them the next day, and I salivated all night longing to eat them!
Today is Saturday, guys, this is the classic Sunday lunch ... take a little thought for tomorrow, that from Monday the gates will reopen and we will no longer have time to do anything.
But let's see how to prepare cavatelli, it's very simple:
Ingredients: (for 4 people)
500 g semolina flour
300 ml of water
First mix the flour with the water.
Achieve a fairly hard dough, but not too hard.
For the rest, I leave you the video, because to learn how to get the cavatelli it takes hours and hours of experience and preparation (at 10 years old I was already getting by with mom).
As for the seasoning, do as you wish, cavatelli are good with everything!
A big hug and have a good lunch! Ari ❤️